Doug’s Office Hours! Kadena x Koala Wallet! Will Martino AMA! Kaddex DAO! & More!

Kadena Ecosystem
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Here’s What You Missed, This Week on Kadena

  • Eucalyptus Labs joined Kadena Eco for a Project Deep Dive into Koala Wallet!
  • Kadena shared an article, 3 Reasons On Why You Should Build on Proof of Work
  • New release updates from the Koala Wallet team:
  • Eucalyptus Labs CEO, Koby Lazar, wants to know what languages you would like to see on Koala Wallet next?
  • Meet Doug Beardsley, Kadena’s Director of Engineering. This week, the team shared an article about Doug’s background, future plans, and more
  • We got an update from Randy, Developer Experience Lead, some new documentation on the way! Check out more
  • Will Martino, Kadena co-founder, held an AMA over on Reddit this past week, find the post here with lots of great questions from the community
  • We hosted some great AMAs this week like DADBodDAO & Legends of Kadena
  • 12/10 we are meeting the team from KDA CoinFlip, minting on, set those reminders for the Twitter Spaces AMA!
  • X- Wallet shared some updates about a swap integration coming next week
  • Kaddex announces DAO plans for the new year:
  • X-Wallet announced that they are undergoing an audit with Certik
  • Kitty Kad celebrates 1 year on the Kadena Blockchain!
  • Kaskade shares an interesting post about their development and research. Read about KYC in DeFi, DAOs, soulbound tokens & more.
  • Check out the recent coverage on the Full Spend Mining Club and Flux founder, Dan Keller, AMA
  • KdLaunch shared a great post about the growth in the last year that the Kadena Ecosystem has shown:
  • KadenaCommunity made a great thread of all the Kadena team’s Twitter handles, be sure to give them a follow:

Follow KPN for the latest news on Kadena!





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See you next week!

